
A market the size of the fossil fuel
industry is required to capture,
transport and store carbon
to reach the goals of the Paris

BECCS has a key role to play here. The value chain of BECCS projects is long and complex. Companies with biogenic carbon emissions are often not equipped to manage the financing, transport and permanent storage of captured CO₂.


In addition, the bankability of projects can only be secured if there are carbon removal certificate buyers in the voluntary carbon market, public subsidies or regulatory instruments to cover the full cost of the value chain.

The value chain of BECCS projects is long and complex.
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  • Capture

  • Transport

  • Storage

By creating a cohesive ecosystem
for BECCS projects:

We simplify the value chain for biogenic emitters.

Biogenic CO₂ Emitter

We offer high-quality certified carbon removal credits for buyers.

CDR Credit Byers

We promote conditions for decarbonisation investments.

Investors & Partners