Solutions for CDR Credit Buyers

Alongside our parent company,
South Pole, we sell BECCS removal credits.

By developing BECCS projects and working with carbon standards, we generate high-quality, certified carbon removal credits that channel carbon finance into the BECCS market.

We work with carbon standards to generate certified carbon removal credits for buyers.
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By committing to BECCS long-term offtake contracts, you are taking credible climate action and:


the single biggest contribution to creating a market for BECCS.


your company as a pioneer in regional and innovative technical climate change mitigation.


to your shareholders that you enhance the brand value of your company by acting on true climate impact towards global net zero.


to your customers and employees that you are committed to supporting scalable and local/regional climate solutions.

Carbon credits from BECCS projects offer high additionality, as the revenues from selling the credits is often the only source of revenue to support the project.

The projects also guarantee high permanence, as geological storage locks the carbon deep underground for over 1,000 years. The process of capturing and permanently storing emissions is also continuously and transparently monitored along the full value chain.

Why should I buy carbon removal credits today?

Companies can account for their unavoidable emissions by buying carbon credits from certified mitigation contribution activities. By buying carbon removal credits, companies channel vital climate finance into nascent markets and technologies that need to scale exponentially to reduce costs per tonne. Carbon removal credit buyers are therefore not only contributing to the deployment of highly- needed new technologies, but also positioning themselves as climate leaders to their stakeholders.

This is how funding climate action today and being net zero by tomorrow works for a company in practice

A company sets a net-zero target based on science with interim milestones on how to get there, and consistent with a 1.5ºC mitigation pathway.


  • Show how they can reduce emissions across their value chain in line with climate science.
  • Contribute to beyond value chain mitigation by financing certified climate action projects, to further avoid and remove emissions throughout their journey towards net zero.
  • Eventually neutralise unavoidable residual emissions with carbon removals to achieve net zero emissions.


Supporting certified climate action projects outside a company’s value chain puts a price on carbon and thereby creates further incentives for emission reductions. Ideally, investing in certified climate action projects is financed by setting an internal carbon price or levy.


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