Building a Bioenergy

with Carbon Capture

and Storage Market

Airfix aims to remove 5 million tonnes of carbon dioxide in 10 years

We’re building the European Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS) market by using carbon finance to rapidly scale this emerging carbon removal solution.


Unlocking the potential of BECCS in Europe will empower crucial service providers to capture, transport and permanently store their carbon emissions.

Airfix’s mission

We create a cohesive ecosystem for BECCS projects with decades of expertise in climate finance and carbon project development.

We offer solutions for:

  • Biogenic CO₂

    We support biogenic emitters in setting up carbon removal projects.

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  • CDR Credit

    We work with leading carbon standards to certify our carbon removals for buyers.

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  • Investors
    & Partners

    We provide investors with attractive conditions for low-carbon investments.

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Our Story

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Airfix is a subsidiary of South Pole and is made possible by Migros Pioneer Fund, enabling pioneering projects that break new ground and seek out forward-looking solutions.

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airfix resources

Building a shared understanding of the latest breakthroughs and trends in the BECCS market is critical to ensuring all of our projects align with industry best practices. Our CDR knowledge page aggregates the best resources for Biogenic Emitters, CDR Credit Buyers, Investors and Partners.

airfix resources