Solutions for Biogenic CO₂ Emitters

We support biogenic emitters in setting up carbon removal projects.

The supply chains of carbon removal projects are complex. With few transport options available and little regulation in place, it is a challenge to get investment security.


Many biogenic emitters are eager to capture CO₂, decarbonise their operations and contribute to climate change mitigation. But the challenges of securing finance, in-house capabilities and capacity often prevent biogenic emitters from using this technology.

Available storage sites in Europe today are in countries such as Denmark, Norway, the UK, the Netherlands and Iceland.
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Our offer

This is where Airfix comes in. It is clear that early projects will help to accelerate the development of the BECCS market. We know the needs of each emitter are unique. Our approach is tailored to individual projects where we:

Manage and structure

projects and financing

Find engineering partners

for capture, transport and storage

Negotiate contracts

at each step of the value chain

Market and sell

carbon removal credits to ensure revenue streams

A core part of our strategy is to implement clusters that align the needs of several emitters in limited
local areas.

These involve:


demand for CO₂ transport and storage


mutually-beneficial knowledge and insights


options for establishing common solutions


economies of scale to drive down costs

What does this mean for your facility?

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A project typically involves setting up the required capture and liquefaction plant at the site of emission. To ensure smooth operation, additional processes need to be integrated to the emitter’s day-to-day operations.


Logistics have to be put in place to bring the CO₂ from the emitter’s site to the storage site. This typically involves a multi-modular transport approach, including options to intermediately store CO₂. Available storage sites in Europe today are in countries such as Denmark, Norway, the UK, Netherlands and Iceland.


It is essential to put measurements in place along the supply chain and certify the process. Only then can a carbon removal certificate be generated and used to create a revenue stream for the project.

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Airfix also supports emitters and investors to strengthen their understanding of the BECCS value chain. Our ‘Roadmap to carbon removal and storage’ constitutes a holistic advisory along emitters’ value chain.
